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Spider-man. The amazing story
10.06.2021, 00:31

Назва: Spider-man. The amazing story
Автор / адаптація: Catherine Saunders
Серія: Beginning to read - I
Вид-во: Marvel (for DK)
ISBN: 978-0-2411-8154-6
Рік: 2014
Стор.: 32
Формат: pdf
Розмір: 25,54 Мб
Мова: English

Who is Spider-Man? How did he get his special powers?
The book has all the answers!
With DK READERS, children will learn to read - then read to learn!

Spider-Man is a fictional character appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Spider-Man is book about Peter Parker. Peter is just an ordinary guy. He has problems with money and girls. He is in love with Mary Jane. But can he ever be with her?
Peter Parker is also Spider-Man, who wants to be useful to people.

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Категория: Иностр.язык | Добавил: TTT22 | Теги: English learner's library, comic books, Marvel, Spider-Man, Англійська, спайдермен
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